How to Configure User Verification Emails?

Verified Users extension sends two types of emails -- User Verification Request Emails, and Verification Request Approval Emails. 

User Verification Approval

These emails are sent to the user when their profile is successfully verified. 

To configure, head to UsersWP > Emails > User Emails and click Show Advanced. 
Scroll down to the Verified Users email section. Herein, you can specify the Email Subject and Email Body of the Verification Approval emails. 
Be sure to save your settings. 

User Verification Request

These emails are sent to the admin when a user requests for profile verification. 

To configure, head to  UsersWP > Emails > Admin Emails and click Show Advanced. 
Scroll down to the  Verified Users email section. Herein, you can specify the Email Subject and Email Body of the Verification Request emails. 
Be sure to save your settings. 
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