Settings Overview for UsersWP > Emails > Email Options
This is the Settings Overview for the UsersWP > Uninstall page.
You need to have the UsersWP plugin installed and activated in order to access these settings.
Email Sender Options
- Sender Name - The sender name that appears in outgoing emails sent by UsersWP.
- Email Address - The sender email that appears in outgoing emails sent by UsersWP.
Email Template
- Email Type (A) - Choose whether to send emails as HTML or plain text.
- Logo - Upload the logo to be displayed in emails.
- Footer Text - Custom footer text for the emails.
- Base Color (A) - The base color for the email template.
- Background Color (A) - Background color of the email template.
- Body Background Color (A) - Body background color of the email template.
- Body Text Color (A) - Body text color of the email template.
- Header Background Color (A) - Header background color of the email.
- Header Text Color (A) - Header text color for the email template.
- Footer Background Color (A) - Footer background color of the email.
- Footer Text Color (A) - Footer text color of the email template.